Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: New Results

Static Analysis of Parallel Software

Participant : Antoine Miné.

Abstract interpretation, Embedded software, Parallel software, Rely/guarantee analysis, Run-time errors, Static analysis.

We present in [11] the theoretical foundation and the latest experimental evaluation of AstréeA ( 5.3 ), a static analyzer prototype based on abstract interpretation to check for run-time errors in multi-threaded embedded critical C programs. Our method is based on a slightly modified non-parallel analysis that, when analyzing a thread, applies and enriches an abstract set of thread interferences. An iterator then re-analyzes each thread in turn until interferences stabilize. We prove the soundness of our method with respect to the sequential consistency semantics, but also with respect to a reasonable weakly consistent memory semantics. We also show how to take into account mutual exclusion and thread priorities through a partitioning over an abstraction of the scheduler state. This work is an extension of [54] , complete with a full formalization and soundness proofs.

In [24] , we express rely/guarantee methods in constructive form as an abstract interpretation of the interleaving trace semantics. We also restate the analysis presented in [11] as a further abstraction of rely/guarantee. This theoretical work brings a new understanding of the various causes of incompleteness and imprecision in our previous analysis, including the non-relational, input-insensitive, flow-insensitive, and history-insensitive treatment of interferences, and it opens the way to designing more precise analyses.